One of the core values of Dixie’s Farrier Service is education, both that of ourselves and our clients. At the beginning of November, Cody attended the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) International Conference in San Antonio, Texas to give a lecture on hoof care for working horses at a PATH barn. The lecture covered basic anatomy to scheduling to traction concerns, as well as common hoof issues and much more. As with much of life, the education that we need most when it comes to hoof care is simply knowing what questions to ask.
We need to constantly be asking what would be best for the horse in the given environment and work. There is not a one-size fits all approach to hoof care, even though some would have you believe that there is. We need to ask ourselves what we can do to help the horse have a better hoof capsule, as well as how we can help the horse perform the work we are asking them to do. Do they need shoes? Do they need more or less traction? Along with knowing what questions to ask, we also need a basic understanding of anatomy and some of the common problems associated with hoof care, such as how to recognize and treat thrush.
Next time your farrier is at the barn make sure to ask any questions you think of, we are here to teach. Also, if you have a group, such as 4-H or Pony Club, or even a group of friends that would like a demonstration or presentation on hoof care, please contact us.